August 25, 2011

New things Cameron does

Cameron is now just over 10 months old and he does so many new things - it's amazing how much he has changed in just 2 months! His words now include: mama, dada, baba, nana, uh-oh, haha, wub wub (lol), woof, and hi. He also copies us all the time, and when we tell him certain things like to "jump" or "dance" he knows what we mean and he does it. He doesn't understand the word "no" though, instead he just laughs hysterically and continues doing it. We have started just trying to distract him when he does something he shouldn't rather than saying no since obviously he doesn't understand what it means yet! He loves to sing, read and play with anything that makes music, has lights, or makes sounds. He especially loves his piano lately. He loves talking on the phone too and will often pick up our phone and hold to it to his ear and start talking. We have been going to the farmer's market a lot lately and Cameron loves all the fruit and veggies we get from there, especially the blueberries! He is a great eater and likes everything we give him! He crawls all over and walks along our furniture. More often lately he is standing up without holding on to anything and letting go of the furniture. He loves to stand himself up on our bed and jump. He can only jump a few times before he falls though! Cameron loves going outside for walks, to play in the grass, playing in the sandbox, and going swimming. He is getting better about sleeping at night too, which makes us very happy! And lately he is able to fall asleep on his own, which makes bedtime much easier!! He is such a happy boy and really makes us so happy, we couldn't ask for a better baby :)