May 02, 2012

Potty Training

Cameron started potty training at 16 months. He had shown interest in it for quite some time, so we finally bought him a potty seat. He has done WONDERFULLY! So far he has mastered poop, but not pee. (Which is funny because it is totally opposite of most kids) He knows when he has to go, and at 18 months will now wait until there is a bathroom to go. Since he started we have only changed 4 poopy diapers, and only because it was during a week when we were all very sick and we couldn't make it to   the bathroom on time. He is so proud of using the potty and we all clap and cheer. Cameron even says "I did it" and claps and flushes the toilet. I am so proud of my little guy!!!

This was before he got his potty seat

1 comment:

Mike, Kalie, Jason, Lexie and Colden said...

HAHA LOVE this picture! What a good potty trainer you are!!