July 05, 2011

Cameron's first 8 months

Our last 8 months have been very busy, exciting, and rewarding to say the least. Cameron is so much fun to be around. We love watching him learn and seeing his little personality develop. He is definitely trying to be independent already and growing so quickly.

When Cameron was born he was 7lbs. 2oz. and 20 1/4in. (6lbs. 14 oz. when we brought him home) and he grew very quickly!

Cameron's stats:
1 month old- 10lbs. 6oz and 23 1/2in.
2 months old- 13lbs. 9oz. and 24 1/2in.
4 months old- 17lbs 2oz and 26 1/4in.
6 months old- 20lbs 0oz and 28 1/2in.
today - about 23 1/2lbs and 30 1/2in.

Cameron was able to roll over both ways before 2 months old (about 6 1/2 weeks)
He started sitting at 4 1/2 months and was very good at it by 5 months. At 6 months old the doctor told us we could introduce some foods like peas, cooked carrots, and soft or cooked fruits along with his baby food. From that moment he has only wanted regular food. He stopped eating baby food altogether at 7 1/2 months! His first teeth appeared at about 2 months, but didn't completely come up until 7 months 1 week!! He does not have any interest in crawling. Instead he prefers to roll to everything. At 6 months he started being able to stand while holding on the the side of his playpen. By 7 1/2 months he could pull himself up to standing, and now he loves to do this on everything!!! He LOVES jumping, and thinks he can walk. When we hold his hands and stand him up his feet move so fast they go ahead of the rest of his body LOL! He can wave, and regularly says "baba" and "woof" He can also say "mama", but he usually reserves that for when he is very upset. He is generally a very smiley boy and has the best laugh. He didn't like going to new people at first, but he is getting better about it (which is nice since he doesn't see most of Tim's family regularly and now he isn't afraid to go to them!)

He loves to get his picture taken, and he does a lot of silly things. Here are some pictures of his first 8 months!

He falls asleep in some funny positions

He loves bath time!

Napping with Daddy

His ball pit

Less than 2 weeks old!

Less than 5 minutes after being born!

He loves his feet! He is always playing with them and even chews on them a lot

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